Personal, social and health education
CV writing- SEN. Resource pack & planning
This resource pack contains a plan, all resources referenced in the plan as well as a Powerpoint that supports with activities and discussions for each task. The plan includes links to the functional skills entry level writing, reading, speaking and listening and ICT frameworks.
This was originally made for a Post 16 class in an SEN school, with levels ranging from Functional Skills Entry Level 2 to Level 1. I was tasked with preparing 18 young people to understand the use of a CV and to be able to write one themselves and I struggled to find resources that broke this task down into manageable chunks for SEN learners.
I have included two examples of CVs my students were able to make as well, I have used pseudonyms and removed all personal data.
I hope other educators find this useful!
Emotions bingo
9 different bingo sheets using communicate in print. Originally made for a small SEN class.
Can be adapted to make more sheets if necessary.
NCFE Employbaility
Originally made for a KS4 SEN class for the NCFE Level 1 Employability unit: Understanding Mindset.
Includes around 6 lessons (but this can easily be edited) and includes work on the mindset qualities,
Growth mindset & positivity SEN ASD
Originally made for an SEN class to explore mindset. I’ve used the videos from Classdojo, and includes 5 worksheets with questions on each episode/chapter to prompt discussion. Worksheets include widget symbols.
Animal bingo
I’ve adapted a resource that I found on here and made 8 different animal bingo sheets, originally for a small SEN class. Includes pics of the animals to hold up as well as saying them.
Autism Awareness Week- presentation & activities
This was for a small PSHCE lesson for Year 7 students. It’s brief, and doesn’t go into too much detail but has a drawing task, and you can make a sensory task (I just used a box and cut a hole in it), to keep them engaged.
It has links to the NAS website, which is for 2018 but can be updated, and to a youtube clip about the creator of Pokemon, which some students might like.
Hair hygiene SEN ASD
Originally made for an SEN KS3 class, uses widget symbols to aid understanding. The powerpoint can be used to give information to students and encourage discussion about how often you should wash your hair, how puberty effects this etc. Then the class can sequence the images and make a leaflet or document informing people how to wash their hair properly.
Healthy living- sleep, food and drink that aids sleep
A brief powerpoint on the importance of sleep, sleep deprivation and food and drinks that help/hinder our sleep.
Students can make a mind map or a poster using the tips at the end of the powerpoint.
Being a customer
These are resources for the BTEC Skills for Independence unit, Being a customer. Could be used for PSHE or independence skills as well.
Participating in care of a motor vehicle
Here are resources I made for BTEC Skills for Independence (Participating in care of a motor vehicle unit). Originally for SEN pupils.
Caring for pets
Here are 3 worksheets I've made for BTEC Skills for Independence lesson (Caring for pets unit). Originally made for SEN pupils.